NAICS Code 622310 - Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals

This Industrial sector with NAICS Code 622310 consists of businesses that are recognized as specialty hospitals and have a license for them. They work mostly with inpatients who have a particular ailment or medical condition to diagnose and treat them (except psychiatric or substance abuse). This industry includes hospitals that provide long-term care for the chronically ill and offer physical rehabilitationand restorative careservices to persons who are physically challenged or incapacitated.

NAICS Code 622310 Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals Database

Codes Titles US Business
622310 Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals 2,651

Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals Database

  • Cancer hospitals
  • Children's hospitals, specialty
  • Chronic disease hospitals
  • Extended care hospitals
  • Eye, ear, nose, and throat hospitals
  • Hospitals, specialty
  • Leprosy hospitals
  • Maternity hospitals
  • Neurological hospitals
  • Obstetrical hospital
  • Orthopedic hospitals
  • Physical rehabilitation hospitals
  • Rehabilitation hospitals
  • Tuberculosis and other respiratory illness hospitals

List of Companies Within NAICS Code 622310

  • Paulison Steven
  • Ruxer Robert
  • Fred Ekery
  • Vivek Kavadi
  • Timothy J Vanderkwaak MD
  • Andrew Brenner
  • Mika Cline
  • Theresa A Mays
  • Ray Page DO
  • Rogerio Lilenbaum

Why opt for NAICS Code 622310-specialty except psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals database?

You may swiftly generate quality leads through multichannel marketing initiatives with the help of our extensive NAICS Code - 622310 Specialty Hospitals in US. You can reach medical specialists fast thanks to the carefully produced collection of top-notch hospital emails.Using the segmentation option, you can modify your marketing tactics by employing leads from prestigious hospitals. With the help of our NAICS Code 622310 Database, you can increase lead generation, conversion rates, sales volume, and audience interaction. You can speak directly with your audience by unbolting communication with your targets. To suit your unique business requirements, you may personalize your database. You can use multichannel B2B marketing initiatives to increase your market reach. We promise a better response rate, and you can increase your client engagement globally.

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