NAICS Code 621910 - Ambulance Servicess

The sector has NAICS 621910 Ambulance Services consists of businesses that primarily offer medical services and ground or air patient transportation. Although not just offered in emergencies, these services are frequently given during medical emergencies. The life-saving machinery on board the vehicles is operated by staff with medical training. With an estimated 184,839 employees, 5,521 companies in the USA are confirmed as engaged in this sector. Estimate your total addressable market (TAM) within this industry. Find geographic hotspots so you may focus your marketing and sales efforts there. Depending on the regional target count, optimize your sales areas. Compare market potential to existing customers. Set a competitive strategy and identify competitive locations. Find complementary areas to expand your opportunities through the NAICS Code List of Ambulance Services.

NAICS Code 621910 - Ambulance Services Database

Codes Titles US Business
621610 Ambulance Services 7,331

Ambulance Services Database

  • Air ambulance services
  • Ambulance services, air or ground
  • Emergency medical transportation services, air or ground
  • Rescue services, air
  • Rescue services, medical

List of Companies Within NAICS Code 621910

  • Blue Ridge Mountain Ambulance
  • Cataldo Ambulance
  • Texas Star Ambulance
  • Huron Valley Ambulance
  • Southwest Ambulance
  • Monroe Community Ambulance
  • Mercy Ambulance
  • Mansfield Ambulance Service

What are the utilities of 621910 Ambulance Services Lists?

Get accurate data with Healthcare Mailing's extensive NAICS 621910 Ambulance Services Database. With the help of this streamlined and organized ambulance services marketing list, you can locate those who work in the emergency departments of clinics and hospitals. The Ambulance Service NAICS Code Lookup is the ideal instrument for direct marketers to use while building the best clientele and achieving the best outcomes. We collaborate with the clients to comprehend their goals to generate more qualified leads and increase ROI. The NAICS Code 621910 - Ambulance Services Email List is a special B2B database that offers the most recent verified information for any email, postal, or telemarketing campaign.

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