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NAICS Code 621492 - Kidney Dialysis Centers

Increase customer engagement with your brand through a 621492 Kidney Dialysis Centers Lists

The industry in the United States consists of medical facilities that predominantly provide an outpatient kidney or renal dialysis services. Kidney Dialysis Centers is a final grade code within the "Health Care and Social Assistance" sector of the NAICS system. With estimated employment of 129,338 persons, there are 5,043 enterprises in the USA that have been recognized as working in this sector. Businesses in this sector offer outpatient renal dialysis services. Along with Germany-based Fresenius Medical Care and B Braun Melsungen, notable companies include US-based DaVita, Dialysis Clinic (DCI), and US Renal Care. The four biggest corporations in the US industry make up about 85% of total revenue. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is treated by roughly 700,000 patients in the US, 500,000 of whom are treated in dialysis facilities.

NAICS Code 621492 - Kidney Dialysis Centers Database

Codes Titles US Business
621492 Kidney Dialysis Centers 10,546

Kidney Dialysis Centers Database

    • Dialysis centers and clinics
    • Hemodialysis centers and clinics
  • Kidney dialysis centers and clinics
  • Renal dialysis centers and clinics

List of Companies Within NAICS Code 621492

    • DaVita Inc
    • DaVita Mid Del Home Training PD
    • Bio Medical Applications Management Company Inc
    • Crisp Regional Dialysis Center
  • DaVita
  • Fresenius Medical Care
  • Davita Dialysis
  • Davita Nogales Dialysis
  • Fresenius Medical Care

Why choose a NAICS 621492 Kidney Dialysis Centers Database?

The most current, reliable, and responsive NAICS Code 621492 List can help you increase brand recognition. The NAICS Code 621492 Verified Companies List has an extensive amount of information about kidney dialysis centers that can be used to enhance your marketing campaigns and boost ROI. This Kidney Dialysis Centers Database is the all-in-one answer for marketers looking to expand their markets, attract new customers, and build their businesses. Our NAICS Code 621492 Kidney Dialysis Centers in US are guaranteed to increase lead count, sales, and conversions through effective networking and communication because they are compiled from reliable worldwide sources and validated for multichannel campaign compatibility.

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