Physician Database

Get access to the most active Physicians Database. Also, Customize list by location, specialty and more.

Buy Physician Email database that is tailored to fit your business parameters specifically.

Healthcare Mailing has more than a decade of experience in providing quality Physicians Database and email contact list to businesses and various industry verticals. Make use of our well-segmented Physician Mailing Addresses to find your ideal target for your direct marketing campaign.

Physician Counts

985,724 Universal Records

email mail phone

Physician Database fields include

  • Physician and Practice Specialty
  • Medical group/hospital Affiliation
  • Physicians by Location
  • Certifications and License
  • Opt-in and Accurate Email Contacts

Healthcare Mailing authenticated email database drives insight

100% Verified Emails
90% Match Rate
52+ Data Selections

Drive healthcare sales and marketing performance with quality data

Within the complex healthcare market, Healthcare Mailing compiles multiple sectors, including physicians, nursing homes, dental practices, and more. You can build and purchase a quality contact list with ListBuilder by one or all of the below institutions today:

Healthcare Mailing authenticated email database drives insight

Database Includes Over

320+ Physician Specialties

Physician Database Includes

985,724 unique emails

Deep insights on

570K+ Health Organizations

List Selection Criteria

52+ Data Points

Accelerate the go-to-market with Physicians Database

Interactions with your potential prospects among the physicians need to be more fruitful to increase the conversion rates. For this, the marketers need to hold a robust tool with high potential contact details of the leads like Physician Database. Connect with the influential physician leads and communicate with them about the pain points and challenges that are adversely influencing their business and ensuring some solutions return you as profits. Build a long-lasting relation with the clients with Physician Database.

  • 100% telephone and email verified Physicians Data
  • NCOA and SMTP verified to keep data fresh and active

Physicians by Specialty

Get your email message delivered to right physicians quickly and cost effectively.

Medical Database by Job Functions

  • Hospital CEO's
  • Physical Therapis
  • Nurses Professionals
  • Hospital Administrator
  • Medical Directors
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Medical Assistant
  • and more...
Access the Custom-Build Physician Database

Every business is unique based on the product, service, or marketing strategy. A tailored marketing tool like Physician Database assists in solving most of the marketing challenges effortlessly. Through hyper-targeting with the custom-build Physician Database, you can access the audiences who are perfectly suitable for your business yield more lead generation.

Physicians Database Segmentation is the Key

For the growing healthcare market, you need to choose your audiences based on various attributes like geographic, demographic, firmographic, etc., to target the ideal customers rather than covering the whole industry. Access your Physician Database by analyzing your audiences.

Get access to the comprehensive Physician Database to connect with suitable customers to widen your sales and marketing funnel to grab more sales.

Ready to get started

Get your email message delivered to healthcare professionals quickly and cost effectively.