As a healthcare marketer, your goal is to drive key prospects and convert them into valuable customers. This required personalized communication to build a better relationship to transform prospects into valuable and profitable customers. Here where email marketing comes into play to fit healthcare marketing needs.
Email marketing conquered the healthcare industry due to its targeted reach with personalized information and also most of the healthcare marketing professionals rely on it. But, do you know how well your email marketing campaign is performing? According to healthcare marketing professionals, the most unreliable methods to measure email campaigns include open rates and unsubscribe rates. So which metrics should you use to measure your healthcare email campaign performance?
Well, there are a few important metrics that marketers should consider and measure regularly to boost sales and increase business revenue through email marketing. Here are the most important metrics to measure on a regular basis to get succeed in your healthcare email marketing. Let's get started.
Measuring the bounce rate is one of the best ways to find the performance of your email campaign. The bounce rate is nothing but the percentage of prospects who clicked in your email and landed on your campaign landing page but end up leaving immediately without taking any action.
Source: eMediwrite
By measuring bounce rate marketers can understand the performance of a campaign landing page. The email you sent may successfully lead the prospects by clicking CTA to Landing Page, but if visitors aren't sticking with your landing page, it’s time to evaluate the content on your landing page.
Also, when you sent emails randomly without targeting, your email will reach prospects who never have an interest in your product will end up in bounce.
According to healthcare marketing professionals, email list plays a major role in increasing or decreasing bounce rate. Using opt-in, permission-based email list help in reducing bounce rate and increase engagement and conversion rate.
Every healthcare email campaign must have a goal. The goal may be to increase the sales, to serve the product or service information to targeted prospects, signing up for a webinar and more. The conversion rate depends on the goal and number of prospects that respond positively and carry out the desired action.
Measuring the conversion rate will help you to understand your email campaign on how actionable your email is. To measure the conversion rate, you need to look at the total number of recipient completed the action and divide the total number of email sent. Multiply the output with 100 to get conversion rate.
Measuring email list growth is the most important and foundation of the healthcare email marketing program. Unless growing your recipient email list you will end up in a non-functional email campaign. Also, the effectiveness of email marketing is depending on the size of your email list. If your email campaign is ineffective, you will end up losing your old customers unsubscribing faster than new sign up.
To measure the growth of your email list, you need to know about the winning formula [Number of new subscribers (A) - number of unsubscribed (B)/ Total Number of Subscribers in your list(C) * 100]
Spam complaints can make a huge loss and even can kill your healthcare email marketing program. A spam complaint is nothing but the percentage of recipients who marked your emails as spam. So before sending your email, asking the simple question yourself can keep your email away from marking as spam.
“Are you providing value to your customers through your email campaign? Is the email content relevant and useful to your customers?"
The metric used to find the percentage of spam complaints is "The Total Number of Spam Complaints / Total Number of Email Delivered * 100"
Return on investment (ROI) is used to find the campaign efficiency and to calculate the profit from the investment. The first step in measuring your ROI is calculating the amount you invested in the campaign and the profit you made with the investment. The basic formula to find the ROI is
“The profit made from the investment - the total amount invested in the campaign / the total amount invested in the campaign"
Measuring your healthcare email campaign isn't as simple by looking into few metrics like email open rate and click-through rate. To increase the efficiency of your email campaign, you need to analyze deeper by using multiple metrics to get a clear view of the performance of your email campaign. Overall, this approach gives good results and it is the key to long-run your email marketing.
Our healthcare email list includes verified contact information of healthcare professionals across various specialties and locations. Contact us today to get access to our healthcare mailing list and start reaching out to medical professionals today!